SERENDAH/KG. GESIR TENGAH, 19 September 2024 - Yayasan Basmi Kemiskinan (YBK) hari ini telah menerima kunjungan hormat dan lawatan dari Seksyen Latihan dan Pembangunan, Jabatan Pendaftar Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia - USIM. Objektif kunjung hormat ini adalah untuk Bahagian Pembangunan Sumber Manusia USIM meneroka peluang kerjasama dengan YBK, di samping melawat outlet-outlet pendidikan dan latihan YBK.

Delegasi USIM diketuai oleh Cik Sharifah Norabidzah Nurul Aida Syed Saaid selaku Ketua Seksyen Latihan dan Pembangunan merangkap Penolong Pendaftar bersama empat orang ahli, telah hadir di Asrama Kasih YBK Serendah iaitu lokasi pertemuan. Turut hadir, Dr. Zatul Iffah Abu Hasan (Timbalan Pengarah Bahagian Libatsama Masyarakat USIM). Pengurus Besar YBK, Encik Muhammad Sherhan Nizam Abdul Aziz telah menyambut kehadiran delegasi dan menyampaikan taklimat operasi dan program-program YBK. Sesi taklimat turut dihadiri oleh Puan Norleza Hambali (Pengurus Pentadbiran dan Pendidikan YBK), Encik Audi Faliq Ibrahim (Pengurus Media dan Perhubungan Awam YBK), Ustaz Syaiful Akmal Addanan (Pengetua Asrama Kasih YBK Gesir).

Lokasi-lokasi yang telah dilawati oleh delegasi USIM adalah Asrama Kasih YBK Serendah, Bukit Tasek Serendah, Villa YBK, YBK Global Camp, Akademi Kemahiran YBK, dan berakhir di Asrama Kasih YBK Gesir.

Gambar: Facebook Yayasan Basmi Kemiskinan


19 September 2024 - Yayasan Basmi Kemiskinan (YBK) today received a courtesy call and visit from the Training and Development Section, Registrar of Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia Department (USIM).

The objective of this courtesy visit was for USIM's Human Resource Development Division to explore opportunities for collaboration with YBK, as well as to visit YBK's education and training outlets.

The USIM delegation led by Ms. Sharifah Norabidzah Nurul Aida Syed Saaid as the Head of the Training and Development Section Assistant Registrar along with four members, was present at the Asrama Kasih YBK Serendah, which is the meeting location. Also present was Dr. Zatul Iffah Abu Hasan (Deputy Director of USIM Community Engagement Division).

YBK General Manager, Mr. Muhammad Sherhan Nizam Abdul Aziz welcomed the delegation and delivered a briefing on YBK's operations and programmes. The briefing session was also attended by Mrs. Norleza Hambali (YBK's Administration and Education Manager), Mr. Audi Faliq Ibrahim (YBK's Media and Public Relations Manager), Ustaz Syaiful Akmal Addanan (Principal of Asrama Kasih YBK Gesir).

The locations that were visited by the USIM delegation were Asrama Kasih YBK Serendah , Bukit Tasek Serendah, Villa YBK, YBK Global Camp, Akademi Kemahiran YBK, and ended at Asrama Kasih YBK Gesir.



No. 32 & 34, Jalan SS7/24,
Kelana Jaya,
47301 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor Darul Ehsan.

TEL : +60 (3) 7875 0036

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